Boost Your Immune System + Grand Prize Winners

Are you ready for spring? We sure are! Welcome to the March Powerhouse Pilates newsletter, featuring the latest studio news, great health tips and more.

The Best Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Spring’s arrival (March 20th) means blooming flowers, occasional showers … and the spread of colds & flus! We want to keep you feeling your best by boosting your immune system, so here are 4 tasty things to keep your immune system strong:

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  • Citrus Fruits:Increase your intake of Vitamin C – it’s key when fighting colds, repairing your body and promoting a healthy immune system. Whether it’s a glass of OJ, a side of grapefruit, or lemon water, make sure to pack in that citrus!
  • Garlic:Contains allicin, which is believed to fight common colds, infections and bacteria. PLUS there are so many amazing ways to cook and eat with it, so it’s easy to include it in your daily life!
  • Tea:Both green and black teas are packed with antioxidants that have been shown to enhance immune function. Decaf has the same effects, so feel free to drink it even before bedtime. It’s a great way to help you unwind after an action-packed day.
  • Yogurt:Includes probiotics that stimulate white blood cells, which fight infections, and helps to promote a healthy digestive system. Make sure the label says “live and active cultures” to get these immune-boosting effects.

“Total Teaser” Challenge Grand Prize Winners

Our “Total Teaser” Challenge wrapped up in February and these are our 4 lucky Grand Prize winners! From left to right, the winners are Haylee S. (35 classes), Michelle B. (36 classes), Chelsea D. (39 classes), and Angeliki T. (39 classes). Wow, that’s a lot of teasers between the 4 of them! Thank you to everyone who participated. We hope it was a great kickstart to 2018!

Reach Your Goals in 2018

The experts say that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Now that it’s March, we want to check in! Whether you’re still on track or have veered off course, remember that you can always return to those goals. Each day is a fresh start.

Our ultimate goal at Powerhouse Pilates is to encourage and support you in your personal and fitness goals. We want you to do more of what you love and to feel great doing it!

In Case Life Gets in the Way…

Sometimes life happens and your pilates time gets cut short or interrupted. In case that happens, we want to remind you that late, cancel, and no show fees are normally processed the following week for Monthly Unlimited Memberships.

New Merch Coming Soon!

We love getting new merch into the studio for all of you pilates lovers to enjoy. Be on the lookout for new merch coming next week!

Social Media in February

Want to post pics of your immune boosting citrus? Or crushing your New Year’s resolution in March?
When you do – remember to:

By | 2018-05-20T02:11:36-07:00 March 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments